Living The Good Life - Creating A Successful Transition to Retirement

What it is, What it Takes, How to do it

Retirement Coach and Retiree

Listening - Guiding - Helping You Ace Your Next Phase

Is Retirement for You

When should I retire - now, in a few years, much later

How do I prepare for it - emotionally, financially, physically

How to adapt when you have worked all your life - where do you find meaning

Just a few of the issues that are vying for your attention when you think of quitting your job - for good. These and others are the many questions and issues that can be a minefield, and may paralyze you into not retiring when you can, or being fearful about how you will handle it.

Pauline Field is a highly sought-after coach and has the gift of being able to listen to where you are, where you hope to go, and helping you see the path to get there.

Before retiring, Pauline brought her gifts to the business world. Then she had to face the “R” word - retirement, and had to deal with these issues herself. Pauline now happily plays Mah Jongg, does yoga to keep her body fit, and thoroughly enjoys her new coaching role with other soon-to-be-retired people.

Are you ready to take the steps to make your next phase your best one yet?