Here’s what retirees say are the most important factors for thriving in retirement.
123 people responded to a survey as to their opinion of the three most important factors for a successful retirement.
Here’s their responses:
And some words of wisdom from the participants
Keep working part time doing something you have never done before
Rescue a dog
Purchase a National Park Lifetime Pass https://store.usgs.gov/senior-pass
Remember it’s ok to do nothing. Taking my time in the morning and napping in the afternoon are a wonderful reward for working 40+ years.
Have a hobby that can make a little extra cash on the side. For me, it’s sewing.
Most of the time, your work "friends" will forget about you and/or be too busy to socialize with you.
Find a physical activity you enjoy. Walking, running, biking, kayaking, etc. Move every day.
Have all your duck in a row. Include Trust, Will, Powers of Attorney. If you have trusted family and friends who will carry out your wishes make sure your paperwork shows that. If you don't want to put that responsibility on them, find someone not emotionally invested who can act for you. Live where you are comfortable, but remember it is important to have someone reliable nearby who will have your back. If that means moving somewhere, do it while you can adjust.
Develop a circle of friends and activities. Many of us realized just how important even casual friendships are during the past couple years Don’t sell and move to a new state. Lease your home out for a year and live in what you consider “paradise” through the four seasons before making a permanent change
Don’t sell and move to live close to the kids. It’s easy for them to entertain you a week or two but they will return to their everyday activities and you’ll be left to find entertainment and new friends on your own.
Get straight with your partner if you have one how you want your lives to look.
Do not die rich, live rich
And here’s what clients have said about working with Pauline Field
To be known, you need to be heard
Hear what Steve Suh has to say about working with Pauline Field
Pauline exudes professionalism. She shares truths in a way that is thoughtful, caring and impactful. Her influence helps me discover creative solutions easier than imagined. She always delivers!
Making a transition is always a challenge. I have had several life-changing ones in the past few years and each time, Pauline's support and guidance has been extremely beneficial. She offers a creative sounding board for financial, personal and even spiritual decisions to be made. And, she reminds me, especially in stressful times, to find joy in it all. I live in both Canada and the U.S., which adds even more complexity, and Pauline always offers a healthy and informed perspective. She is creative, pragmatic and fair. She also doesn't hesitate to let me know when she thinks I am on the wrong track and she does so with kindness and caring. I highly recommend her services. She is a rare gift.
Alison Lea Bingeman
Pauline is insightful, intelligent, dependable and kind; qualities my husband and I need to help us navigate a transition to purchase a home after years of renting. Since we're 59 and 60, and have a daughter starting college, we have many considerations. Pauline continues to help us navigate these waters and we trust her in our process.
Tina Demerdjian
Pauline Field is a gift. I have had the good fortune to work with Pauline on both sides of the table: as a colleague and cherished friend. In addition to being a gift, Pauline has a unique gift. I know that she has been a hugely successful consultant, and has made many valuable contributions to organizations. AND Pauline also has a unique gift I have not seen before.
Pauline served as Coach/Consultant to the CEO of…
A retail products company over several years, bringing professional management and accountability to this category-leading company.
A metal fabrication company in the development of a culture of productivity, accountability and reward for performance.
A previously award-winning real estate company, facilitating the turnaround of the company and overall business growth, increasing the number of their holdings.